Geometric Fitting in Problem of Spatial Position of Object Determination by Image

This paper investigates the problem of finding the geometric location of architectural structures by its flat image. The first part provides a theoretical substantiation of the method based on the search for a system of three quadruples of points with certain properties. In this case, formulas and equations are derived that allow one to determine the desired set of object orientation parameters. An illustrative example is given and the calculation error is estimated. In the second part of the work, a method based on the same idea, but allowing to automate calculations, is considered Namely, the straight line segments necessary for calculations change into a set of features that can approximately describe the sought segments. Computational experiments show that this approach will have an error no worse than when manually finding the required points on the photograph.
Alexei K., Vladimir K. (2021) Determination of the Spatial Orientation of an Architectural Object from a Photograph. In: Silhavy R. (eds) Informatics and Cybernetics in Intelligent Systems. CSOC 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 228. Springer, Cham.